Septic Tank Cleaning, Portable Toilets, Grease Traps
For 35 years, Feyen'sArcade Pumping Service has served Wisconsin's CouleeRegion by providing sewer and septic pumping and maintenance services.The waste disposal company has built a reputation for impeccable customerservice throughout the counties of Jackson, La Crosse, and Trempealeau, and thecities of Buffalo, Clark, Monroe and Vernon. From vegetable oil and grease trapservices to commercial bio-solid hauling, residents and businesses have reliedon the company for all of their waste management needs.Not maintaining waste systems can become veryexpensive. For instance, if a faulty septic tank, which is where wastewater isdistributed and treated, is not pumped, sludge will build up and sewage willseep directly into the tank's absorption area and cause the system to shutdown. The tank must be pumped periodically to prevent thousands of dollars inrepair or replacement costs. Feyen's Arcade Pumping Service will pump your septictank to safe levels. In addition, the company services barn pits, floor drains,grease traps, holding tanks and mounding systems to ensure that they continueto run efficiently for the long term.Feyen's Arcade Pumping Service makes it convenient andaffordable for you to maintain your waste systems, and they also offer a three-year inspectionplan that includes checking the filters and floats and fixing any repairs.With active membership in the Wisconsin Liquid WasteCarriers Association, La Crosse Area Builders Association, and the WisconsinIndustrial Land Application Contractors and Transporters, Feyen'sArcade Pumping Serviceis an industry leader. Call (608) 525-4225to schedule an appointment, andcheck out the website formoredetails on waste management services.
Keywords: Septic Tank Cleaning, Portable Toilets, Grease Traps