Where do you turn when you arefalsely accused of a crime? How about if your marriage comes to an end? Hale, Skemp Hanson, Skemp, & Sleikare your trusted partners and advisors when your life suddenly feels upsidedown. With over a century's worth of experience in La Crosse, Wisconsin pairedwith a range of specialized attorneys, this full-service law firm can helpresolve any case you have in mind.SpecialistsAvailable:Choose from experienced and reliableattorneys who have perfected their craft in each field:CriminalAttorney: The lawyers at Hale, Skemp, Hanson, Skemp & Sleik will gather the real evidence to tell your side of the story,whether you're fighting a simple assault or a murder charge.DivorceLawyer: Where should you turn if your spouseis threatening to leave with all your assets or minor children? Turn to theaggressive divorce attorneys at Hale, Skemp, Hanson, Skemp & Sleik.BankruptcyLawyer: Consult with a bankruptcy attorneywho will advise if, how and when you should file a bankruptcy.Other areas of practice include DUI,real estate law, worker's comp law, personal injury, taxes and more.To set up a consultation, call Hale, Skemp, Hanson, Skemp & Sleikat (608) 784-3540.
Keywords: Attorneys, DUI & DWI Law, Divorce Law